Bonnyrigg Rose CFC - Poltonhall 3G Pitches

7 Sep 2023 by Dan Lee

Poltonhall 3G Pitches are owned by Bonnyrigg Rose Community Football Club (not the Council) and as such we are responsible for the cost of maintenance and future costs for renewal.

As advised by the manufacturer of the 3G surface, wearing the correct footwear when on the pitches prolongs the life of the surface.

Moulded studs or Blades are permitted only. No flat-soled shoes, trainers or “Astro” trainers are permitted on the surface at all. This includes committee people, coaches, substitutes, physios or anybody.

Visiting teams – please be informed nobody should take offence if they are stopped from accessing the pitch.

We have a boot bin with spares for anyone who needs to access the 3G but has the wrong footwear. Plenty of good vantage points exist around the pitch for spectators.

Thank you for your assistance.
Bonnyrigg Rose CFC